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WP Reset Plugin Review in 2019

WP Reset plugin webcart

If you are a theme and plugin developer and looking for a tool that will enhance your workflow, then you are in the right place.

WP Reset plugin is all you need to reset the database of your site to default without affecting any files. You can delete all the customizations, moderation and content in few clicks. The multiple fail-safe mechanisms will help you to secure your data from accidental loss. Wp reset will fasten up the testing and debugging process by implementing a quick way to reset the settings to default and re-examine the code. The plugin is specially made for the ease of developers.

Before downloading and testing this plugin, We would suggest you have a piece of detailed information about the functions of WP Reset plugin; we have explained every function in details so scroll down and see what WP Reset can do.

What would resetting delete?

Resetting option will perform the following changes on your site.

All of the posts, pages, custom post types, viewers comments, media entries will be deleted

These changes will take place once you hit the reset button and confirm submission. Please remember the changes performed after resetting cannot be undone. Now let us see what will remain untouched. You can know more about this on

What will resetting do not delete and modify?

So, by now you must know what will reset do to your site, but do you know what happens when you click the reset button?

What happens when you click the reset button?

Features of Wp reset plugin


WP reset supports WP-CLI. You can take help if you are stuck up via wp help reset. You need to confirm the commands by default but you can skip confirmation using –yes option. The first user in the database will be logged after the restoration is complete. You need to be careful while using WP reset with WP-CLI as there’s no undo.


A database snapshot is a duplicate copy of every wp database table, custom or standard both, and is saved in the currently used database as instructed by the wp-config.php.

A database snapshot is mainly used as a development tool and can also be used as a backup tool, but the developers at WP reset suggest to use a different tool for live site backup. You can use snapshots to find out the changes a plugin made to your database and site. It hardly takes 2 seconds to create a database snapshot.


Wp reset can also perform a multisite reset, but it still has to be tested completely. You need to be extra careful while using wp reset with the multisite feature enabled. You can try using this feature on sub-sites.


• Delete every transient related database entry.
• Remove the uploads in the /uploads folder.
• Remove/delete every plugin except the wp reset plugin.
• Reset theme option that resets every option for the themes that uses WP theme mods API.
• Delete themes – this feature will delete your theme collection
• Empty or delete custom tables – deletes every custom table.
• Delete .htaccess file – eliminates the .htaccess file.


Thank you for being such a kind reader, do let us know if we have missed out on anything via comments/email.

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