Admin Functionality –

In Webcart, admin manages (admin functionality) all the functionality of the site. How the managed product, what category and brand for the product Shipment etc, all are handled over by the admin.

1. Add Product 

Admin can add the product by fill some details for the product. Like – Product Name, From Existing Product, Product Description, Model Name / Version, Regular Price, Selling Price, SKU, HSN, Tax Rate, Brand, Category, Specification Type, Value, Unit, Number in Stock, Maximum allowed Quantity per Order, Related Products, Status. These are the requirements for the new product.

2. Add Category

All the product managed by their category. Categories are different for the products. Categories added by

Get Start with WebCart: Multi Vendor eCommerce Marketplace

Demo Super Admin : Username : super_admin/123456

Demo Admin Login : Username : userdemo/userdemo    

Demo Vendor Login : Username : vendor1/123456      

Demo Customer Login : Username : customer1/123456