5 Effective Tactics to Skyrocket Your Ecommerce Business Sales

5 Effective Tactics to Skyrocket Your Ecommerce Business Sales

Does your ecommerce business bring in the sales you need to succeed?  If not, you’re not alone.  Boosting your ecommerce business sales is no easy task.  Data shows that the ecommerce success rate is less than 20%, and while many factors can impact online business success, one of the biggest aspects is sales.  That is why you need a solid approach—from employing essential ecommerce marketing strategies to using the best tools for online selling—to increase your sales. Find out how with the five strategic tactics and tips below to boost your ecommerce business sales. Let’s jump into it. 

1. Develop an ecommerce business shipping strategy

Your ecommerce business’s shipping process can significantly impact your sales.  After all, an inefficient shipping process can cause all sorts of problems, such as slow order fulfillment and delivery delays that can ruin the customer experience.  A poorly managed shipping process can also cost you money, time, and resources needlessly. An excellent solution to ensure a seamless process is to develop and plan your small business shipping strategy

Start developing your shipping strategy with the tips below. 

  • Automate core aspects of your shipping process to streamline your workflow and deliver orders on time while saving time, energy, and money. 

For example, free, reliable shipping software Veeqo can automatically select the best value label for your received orders (including bulk orders) across channels.

  • Track shipping carrier price changes to avoid incurring unnecessary costs. Doing so also helps you shift your shipping strategy quickly to ensure a cost-efficient and seamless shipping process. 

It also helps to check and monitor which shipping companies offer the best prices to get you more sales and give you a healthy profit margin.  

A resource tracking tool can help you determine how your employees utilize a resource, which tasks each team member handles, and the specific jobs they invest their time and energy in.  The tool lets you spot potential gaps in your workflow and adjust your tasks, resources, and personnel assignments accordingly to improve your shipping process. 

2. Display reviews from satisfied customers

The words from happy and satisfied customers can influence shoppers’ buying decisions and, in turn, help increase your ecommerce sales. Why? Because customer reviews can serve as recommendations and testimonies of real-life experiences with your brand. Reviews give potential customers a good idea about your product’s quality and value, which shoppers want to know before buying.  Display your customer and product reviews in strategic places across your ecommerce store, including your landing, product, and checkout pages.  

Below are a few creative ways to showcase your customer reviews.

  • Review widgets and badges. Display your customer reviews as widgets on your website. Review widgets are embeddable badges that you can use to entice visitors to rate your ecommerce business on review websites such as Google or Yelp. 
  • Testimonials. Feature testimonials on your landing pages and product pages to showcase the positive experience of happy customers. You can even share these on your social media channels, the way beauty brand Glossier does in its Instagram post below. 

Leverage customer reviews and ratings to provide social proof that your products and services are high-quality and worth purchasing. 

Reviews can be powerful tools to amplify sales and marketing in every industry, whether in retail or marketing agencies that provide reliable content writing tips and services. 

Encourage your customers to leave reviews and ratings on your website and use them to promote your products.

3. Offer a great product or service

While offering an excellent product or service seems obvious, it’s worth understanding better to increase your ecommerce sales. 

After all, you need to provide something that people actually want to buy to sell your products and services like hotcakes.   

As such, you must research and ensure your product meets your target market’s expectations and needs. 

Start by identifying your target market or refining your existing one. 

Who are the people most likely to buy your product? What are their needs and desires? 

Once you’ve identified or refined your target market, do market research to understand what your prospects look for in a product. The next step is to design and develop (or redesign and redevelop) your product.  Put in the extra effort to ensure your product is of the highest quality and meets your customers’ needs.  Remember to update your product pages as you develop or refine your products. 

Follow best practices and a comprehensive or ultimate guide to ecommerce product page SEO to optimize your product pages.  Use reliable tools to manage and update your product pages and details seamlessly.  If you’re migrating your entire store to another marketplace, updating and syncing your product information can be quick and easy with platforms such as ExportYourStore. 

Read this complete review on ExportYourStore to learn more.

4. Provide excellent customer service

Buyers today expect a high level of customer service and are willing to pay more for it. 

If you want to increase your ecommerce sales, providing excellent customer service can be your ticket. 

A few key ways to do this include the following:

  • Respond quickly to customer inquiries. Customers want to get answers about your product or service quickly. Put a system in place to respond to customer inquiries promptly through email, phone, or chat.
  • Make it easy for customers to reach you. Provide multiple ways for customers to contact you, such as an email address, phone number, and chat function on your website. 

You can also provide social media customer service through chat, like Ilia beauty does with its Facebook chat support option.

  • Be proactive. If possible, don’t wait for customers to come to you with issues or problems. Instead, proactively reach out to them to see if they have any questions or concerns.
  • Resolve issues quickly. Resolve customer issues with your product or service promptly, including offering refunds, exchanges, or other forms of compensation. Quick response and resolution can improve customer service quality, contributing to a positive customer experience and helping you drive more sales. 

5. Use social media to support your sales and marketing

When used strategically, social media can help increase your sales. 

Below are several ways to use social media to your advantage and amplify your sales and marketing initiatives. 

  • Engage your followers. Regularly post updates and content about your business, and respond to comments and questions from your followers. 

Doing so can help you connect and engage with your audiences better and build a loyal customer base that will likely buy your products, increasing your sales. 

  • Use social media ads. Run social media ads on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. These ads allow you to target specific audiences and can be a great way to get your product in front of potential customers.
  • Collaborate with influencers. Influencer marketing can help you reach new audiences and increase your sales. 

Look for influencers in your industry with a large following and audiences similar to your target market, and see if they’re willing to collaborate with your brand, product, and other promotions. 

Ready to boost your ecommerce business sales?

Implementing this guide’s tactics can improve your ecommerce business’s online presence, help you attract more customers, and drive sales. 

Remember to stay focused, be persistent, and continuously test and measure your efforts to find what works best for your business and brings in significant sales.

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