5 Software Products Helping Small Business Achieve 5x Growth

5 Software Products Helping Small Business Achieve 5x Growth

Despite its nature, running a small business takes a lot of time and effort. Entrepreneurs work day and night to lift their business off the ground and put all their resources into use to get new customers. Thanks to modern-day technology, however, most of the onerous task can be automated.

These days there are many software products available to streamline a number of business processes, so each small business owner can spend more time on important things, like making money. Moreover, this software does exceptionally well in improving small business growth.

Perhaps you may have already started to figure out what those software products are. So, if you’re looking for some help, then read on to see a list of five software products that can help your small business achieve significant growth.

1. Google Analytics

For new businesses today, it’s has become quite a necessity to have a solid online presence. When talking about having an online identity, it’s important for businesses to have a website that has a number of visitors.

How much traffic does your website generate? Where is it coming from? What are the demographics of your target audience and more? All these things carry a lot of significance in any business that has a website to operate online. And that is where Google Analytics comes to play.

With Google Analytics, users can see locations around the world where their site has been seen, the percentage of different traffic drivers broken out by day, week, month, or year. The information comes with clearly marked charts and graphs to analyze the data in a much better way.

2. DropBox

Every now and then small businesses owners and their employees get in need of a useful system to share work files to one another in a network. Dropbox has the perfect solution for that.

Dropbox creates a virtual link to different computers in your network connected devices. Letting users save images, word documents and other types of files into their Dropbox account, which can be easily accessible by themselves and other people anywhere around the world. The software lets users to also share files that are too large, something many of us time and again face difficulties with.

All in all, it helps keeps your files organized, collaborate and amplify your business growth efforts.

3. Wave Accounting

What’s better for a small business to get a fully-functional accounting software accounting program without paying a penny. Yes, Wave Accounting is cloud-based accounting software that is loaded with all necessary accounting features and tools to perform different accounting related tasks smoothly.

The program is handy when it comes to handling sales tax reports, balance sheets, and profit and loss statements. Though the free version of the accounting software is capable to help you perform a number of day-to-day accounting tasks if you need to perform more advanced functions like inventory, upgrade to the premium number, which is available on nominal cost.

4. FreshBooks

Running a small business means you are constantly on the go, this is where FreshBooks can help you stay on top of different tasks.

Freshbooks is all-in-one cloud-based software that as the ability to invoice customers, tracks your time by projects, manage expenses and make payments online. It integrates well with your iOS and Andriod phones and tablets and lets you control your small business operations even when you are not on your desk. The software is available free to use for 30 days, later you can continue by paying for it. Which depends on how many active users you have. You can also use accounting tools such as QuickBooks Premier Hosting as an alternative to FreshBooks. Learn more about it from DaaS Providers

5. MailChimp

In the small business world, it’s imperative to get the word out to potential customers. Though, social media is ideal to make some new customers when it comes to retaining them, getting in touch with them through emails play a crucial role.  Mail Chimp is just the right service for small businesses to stay connected with all your new and old customers. It helps you create email newsletters to distribute to your list of current contacts. Which means users can easily design and send an appealing email to their customers. And update them on new products and services. It’s a great tool for small businesses that help to retain customers and boost business growth.

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