Top 5 Alternatives to Insightly – The Leading CRM Application for Your Business

Top 5 Alternatives to Insightly – The Leading CRM Application for Your Business

Insightly is one of the leading CRM applications in the world with thousands of users around the globe turning to it for its CRM and marketing automation solutions.A number of alternatives to Insightly have also sprung up in the meantime, to ensure that they can fill any of the gaps in the market in terms of additional features, pricing and support, among other aspects and features.

Top 5 Insightly alternatives

Before we go ahead and talk about the top 5 Insightly alternatives, it would be imperative to understand just what Insightly does and why it is so important for any business in this day and age. To begin with, Insightly is basically a CRM system or platform. A CRM platform or a customer relationship management platform does the following things for your business:

Captures and Organizes your Information:

When you are doing business, there is a digital side of things that you cannot ignore in this day and age. Starting from the information that you collect about the prospects and the way you use that information for your interactions, as well as the details of the actions taken – these are all the things that will greatly matter when you are setting up your sales pipeline to achieve your sales targets and your revenue targets as well. This information is well captured by platforms like Insightly and the alternatives to Insightly. You can use a CRM system that basically organizes all the relevant information into databases that would be call up for the relevant functions and tasks. This is just as important as the actual recording and collection of the information for your  business to run smoothly.

Create Better Time Management:

When you turn to a CRM system like Insightly or one of the many alternatives to Insightly, you are also buying into the opportunity to increase the bandwidth of your team. How would this happen? It is quite simple. The automation of the various tasks and the fact that they are all line up, in perfect coordination with the information that effortlessly shows up without you having to hunt for it, ensures that your team has more time on their hands to conduct and indulge in core, revenue and conversion fueling activities for your business. This can actually help you reach your targets that much faster and this would also help you make your business a far more scalable one.

Professional Front:

Building a new business from the ground up will often start with an idea, which will guide. When you start a business, you will need to register your trademark, product, or brand. You will have to visit the United States Patent and Trademark website to register your business federally. If you’re starting a small business, then you will have to register your business with both the local and state government. After you have register your business, you will then need to apply to receive an Employer Identification Number (EIN), otherwise known as a state tax ID or federal tax ID numbers. Think of them as social security numbers for businesses. They allow businesses to open bank accounts and apply for business licenses and permits. All of these will require you to identify what kind of business you are. There are many models you can follow, and should consider each one:

Insightly  High Quality Set of Feature

These are merely a few benefits of choosing one of the many alternatives to Insightly.  So, let us look at less expensive and more efficient alternatives to Insightly and the top 5 CRM applications that would fit your business needs perfectly:


This Insightly alternative would probably qualify as the very best one, for a number of reasons. EngageBay has emerged as one of the top CRM applications for at least 12000 users all over the world and it has also won a number of awards to prove its standing in the market. With many features that reach out and drive engagement on many channels, you can be sure that you also always get the support and price points that you need. EngageBay is definitely the top Insightly alternative that you can turn to, for any kind of business.

Base CRM:

This is also a good alternative to Insightly CRM thanks to its many features that can help you reach out to people via landing pages and well structured and targeted email campaigns.


FreshSales CRM is also known as one of the good alternatives to Insightly since it offers a number of features that can help you and your team make a smooth journey through the sales pipeline and lead to conversions with email marketing more than any other function.


PipeDrive is also a good alternative to Insightly if you are looking only to organize your email campaigning in a far better manner.


Nimble is also known as a good Insightly alternative thanks to its many features that can help you achieve seamless email marketing goals.


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