7 Ideal CAPTCHA Options Offering Stern Website Security

7 Ideal CAPTCHA Options Offering Stern Website Security

CAPTCHA first came into existence in 1997 when spamming was becoming a nuisance to network and application admins. It’s since become a most sought-after authentication procedure, yet the most nagging to some browsers. According to a study on CAPTCHA at Stamford University, humans achieve an 85% success rate when it comes to using CAPTCHA, which […]

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Why Does Google insist on installing an SSL Certificate for your Website?

Why Does Google insist on installing an SSL Certificate for your Website?

Website security is one of the major concerns for businesses in 2021.Still, 43% of small businesses do not have any cybersecurity protocol installed on their site.This is alarming given the fact that experts have repeatedly warned that no business is safe from cyberattacks.Security protocols like an SSL certificate or a firewall are designed to protect […]

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5 Ways to Secure Your Business Network

5 Ways to Secure Your Business Network

Many businesses use an exclusive network. In other words, they have a computer system to which only their employees, and possibly some of their clients, have access. The reason they don’t want anyone else to have access is that there is probably proprietary information on that network, like trade secrets and internal emails or other […]

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Explore the Warning Signs that Demonstrate the Presence of Overpowering Credit Card Debt for Your E-Commerce Business

Explore the Warning Signs that Demonstrate the Presence of Overpowering Credit Card Debt for Your E-Commerce Business

E-Commerce Business As 2018 is coming to a close, we have witnessed that the e-commerce sector has registered a phenomenal growth rate and it is growing by leaps and bounds. We know that in 2017, e-commerce had played a pivotal role and generated almost $2.3 trillion in terms of sales and it is forecasted to hit almost […]

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Get Start with WebCart: Multi Vendor eCommerce Marketplace

Demo Super Admin : Username : super_admin/123456

Demo Admin Login : Username : userdemo/userdemo    

Demo Vendor Login : Username : vendor1/123456      

Demo Customer Login : Username : customer1/123456